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  1. Hi Marc, Thanks for the reply, I already inform the server admin about what I think casing this problem.
  2. Hi, Our server admin expended our storage for the forum and when using symbolic for the uploads folder after sync it, I see this error at ACP: He undo it to confirm here if this supported it. Thanks.
  3. Good one indeed. @Como & @SoloInter Nice one indeed!
  4. Jim, you make me cough from laughing 🙂 Well done.
  5. Yes, Jimi doing great design, he always had.
  6. Hi Jim, Yes deleted them from the ACP, so I guess only way to add them back by like manually update the attachment table at the DB. Restore the DB is not an option any more. Thanks for the reply Jim.
  7. Hi, We deleted files for some years back, since we have backup for the uploads folder that can cover the deleted one. After uploading these files, what the next steps? Thanks in advance.
  8. Jim, will we get "extra" free one month for this? 🙂
  9. Same thing with me, no notify or any thing regarding update patch, just the warning matters.
  10. Same thing here as well. I already update the files need it and the waring gone. PS: It early morning here and I just login to ACP and found this issue, and already notify our server admin to see if we got hacked or something 🙂
  11. That dev never reply to me about updating this plugin, so I remove it from some time ago.
  12. Hi, When you go there and click on page 2 or any page or use the arrow next key, nothing will happens, you have to refresh the browser to see it. It even on IPS site here, same issue.
  13. Thanks Marc, Yes, we doing snapshot daily for the db and other services for the server in general. Me and the server admin we could not find what case the issue, but we still looking.
  14. Yes, but could not manage to find out what could hold/been used these files that throw that system error, and showing in some times.