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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by joelS

  1. you guys have always been awesome!! Thank you for your help, it TRULY is appreciated
  2. when trying to do the upgrade, it gives me this notice: Database Check There are some problems with your database which need to be fixed before you can start the upgrade. Then I click on the "Fix" button and about 7 pages of code pops up that I don't know how to troubleshoot. the below is just the beginning There are some problems with your database. Normally it is safe to try to fix these problems automatically however if your community is large, you may want to run the necessary queries manually. If so, the queries to run are: UPDATE `ipb_core_modules` SET `sys_module_title`='' WHERE `sys_module_title` IS NULL; UPDATE `ipb_core_modules` SET `sys_module_application`='' WHERE `sys_module_application` IS NULL; UPDATE `ipb_core_modules` SET `sys_module_key`='' WHERE `sys_module_key` IS NULL; CREATE TABLE `ipb_core_modules_new` LIKE `ipb_core_modules`; it won't allow me to open a support ticket, saying my package does not include support.... please help. Thank you in advance
  3. I'm trying to do an update, however, I'm told that I have a database error that has to be fixed first... however, I'm paying for a full managed and hosted plan and these things are what I am paying for. Not sure why I can't open a trouble ticket like in the past.... please advise:
  4. Do I make this setting in the ACP? If so, where is it? Do I have to create some special app code?
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