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Posts posted by Mesmer

  1. Then middle-click. :)

    omg I didn't now this :P (and after further investigation I discovered I can click my mousewheel..)

    I have to agree with vesperala. I have a general discussionboard with a lot of people who aren't exactly computer savvy..
    One of the first things on my to-do-settings list-after-upgrade is to get it to open all links in a new window.

    Maybe I will teach them how to use the middle-click-mouse option in time, but not right away after confronting them with a new ipb. I have to reduce the shock ;)

  2. damn 3.01 is already being made? LOL dont start releasing 30 betas like windows 7 did LOL :)

    Keep in mind that when 3.0.0 has been released we plan to make small frequent minor releases to address any pertinent issues. This may be bothersome for some, but it really is the best way of deploying fixes quickly.

    Matt's Blog
  3. at this stage the big differece between rc and final is support. That's the only reason I'm waiting for the final realease.
    And I will, just as Wolfie, wait a few days after the final has been released just in case a major bug crawls out of it's dark corner.

  4. Yes, we added that in. I wrote a function called IPSLib::wait( $seconds ). We felt that life was moving too fast and wanted to slow it down a bit. We think that huge delays in serving up webpages will be a popular feature. Even Google will do the same one day. Just imagine, having to wait for 5 seconds for your search results. I know, it's a crazy concept but I think many will appreciate it.

    That's what started my coffee addiction years back! Waiting...waiting some more.. well, let's get some coffee, maybe it's there when I come back..
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