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Posts posted by GMIC

  1. Al

    16 hours ago, Jim M said:

    We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. 

    All done

  2. Sorry I am talking about Background processes on the Dashboard there are about 20 background processing running in relation to "sending notifications" for about 20 different topics they all show 0% and don't seem to run when I try and manually run them it goes to a blank screen.

    Its been days and they haven't cleared 

    Could contain: Page, Text, File

  3. I ran the patch showing within the support area a few days ago. Processes running are sending notifications for various topics some of which have completed but others don't progress. When I try to manually run the processes it just loads a blank screen.

    Some topics seem to be fine with replies showing up immediately, others seem to keep showing the post as unread within the topic and it doesn't update on the topic index page as having a new post.

  4. Since update and patch I am finding that some processes are just hanging on the dashboard. I have tried to manually run them and turned on Cron Job for tasks and still not clearing. Members are complaining that on some topics (usually old or large topics) last replies are not showing in the topic on the index page or that the post is still showing unread when they have checked. Any suggestions. 

  5. Thanks for the response not going to risk it myself. Main issue seems to be that search does not recognise the guest user name feature for searching is it worth rebuilding the search index or is this still not going to see this information ?

  6. I recently closed a member's account who had sadly passed a number of years ago retaining the users content. He was a prolific poster with lots of information. I realise this was actually not the best plan as now no one can search for the content using his name as the name is now Guest preceding the old user name. I take this action is now irreversible. I have installed a plugin which allows me to manually change the user posts and have created an account to attribute to him, but there are thousands of posts and this would be a never ending process. Any solutions I am missing would be appreciated.  

  7. Just to jump on this topic this has also turned into a major issue for me. I have been running a forum for 19 years and the bounce from non functioning emails has caused me to be black listed on one of the email security sites as a possible spammer. I now have a major drama getting this resolved as half my members now no longer get emails from us. 

  8. Hi

    I am just renewing our sites privacy policy and just querying privacy information with regards using the integrated IPS Spam Defence system. Obviously under GDPR we need to be open about information sharing and using the integrated Spam defence will obviously result in information being shared with IPS servers. Unlike using hCaptcha which has a an integrated privacy statement on the registration page there is nothing in relation to Spam Defence and IPS. Is there a link I can include in my Privacy statement which relates to IPS use of data sharing through the Spam defence software ? 

    Thank you

  9. When I try to create a new group I am getting the following issues. Tried the usual disabling hooks and applications etc.


    INSERT INTO `x_utf_ibf_core_groups` ( `g_bitoptions`, `g_club_allowed_nodes` ) VALUES ( 0, '' )
    IPS\Db\Exception: Field 'idm_bypass_paid' doesn't have a default value (1364)
    #0 //public_html/system/Db/Db.php(941): IPS\_Db->preparedQuery('/*XXXXXX_ipb2...', Array)
    #1 //public_html/system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php(487): IPS\_Db->insert('core_groups', Array)
    #2 //public_html/applications/core/modules/admin/members/groups.php(218): IPS\Patterns\_ActiveRecord->save()
    #3 //public_html/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(107): IPS\core\modules\admin\members\_groups->form()
    #4 /public_html/applications/core/modules/admin/members/groups.php(39): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
    #5 //public_html/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\core\modules\admin\members\_groups->execute()
    #6 //public_html/admin/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
    #7 {main}

  10. I am doing some housekeeping and removing some details from customers who purchased items several years ago, Is there an easy way to do this as I am manually having to go through customer  records and delete the information. Also I note that although you delete the information the address is still shown under all recent account activity. I really do not need this information any longer and would like to know how to get rid of it,

    many thanks  

  11. I am slightly disapointed that this is taking so long, it should have been resolved in time for 3.0 release. I do realise Matt is working hard to get this done, but considering that I pay for a licence to keep my software updated this is not really good enough.

    I am not in a position to update my board until SM is at RC1 stage. I can't imagine that IPB would have released a software update without their customer client software being fully functional and in place to take payments, so why short change us ? I rely on subscriptions to keep my board running, without it I couldn't keep providing a service to my members. To upgrade without it is not an option.

    I am paying IPB for a service, part of that service is to have fully operational software on final release. This seems to have been a fudge, by removing the SM from the board and making it a stand alone product they get around the fact that they should have integrated and tested this feature as in previous releases.

    What may not seem to be have been a priority for IPB, is a priority for many of us, to the extent that I simply cannot upgrade to 3.0.1 or 3.0.2 (whatever version it is by the time this gets done). My patience is wearing thin.

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