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Adriano Faria

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  1.    sudo reacted to a comment: IC5: Introduction to Listeners
  2. Application.php You need to update the app to IPS5 if it keeps identifying incompatible files.
  3. If you have FTP access, attach the IPS\topicsview\Application.php and I’ll make it compatible with IPS5 then the error will go away.
  4. Note: this must be related, if it's a model issue: https://invisioncommunity.com/invision-community-5-bug-tracker/automatically-follow-new-content-i-post-file-submitted-and-topic-not-followed-r654/
  5. They are the file and the support topic. The user reacted to the file and the latest post. Two different reactions; only one appears in the AS.
  6. Reactions in posts aren’t showing up in activity streams: Any suggestions?
  7. It is working now. Thank you.
  8. Hello, I don’t want people to renew purchases in specific files. These files have purchases disabled. How can I do that?
  9. I just checked and it works on Safari. Is MS Edge supported by IPS?
  10. It’s happening since Beta 1 of 5.0.4, I guess. I’m not able to use the Editor in topics only on this site. The only shows the loading FA. It works everywhere else, like Tracker or messages. iPhone 15PM. iOS 18.3.2.
  11. This option is new on 5.0.4. It should be ON as it was since 5.0.0.
  12. There’s room for the Form extension.
  13.    Thomas Hop reacted to a comment: Undefined function
  14. Use instead: {{if \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->getLayoutValue('forums_forum') === 'grid'}}
  15. That's not a widget. It is a block that updates the topics/posts in X seconds with ajax.