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Large Scale Planes

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Posts posted by Large Scale Planes

  1. As the title says, I'm wondering if it's possible to assign "guest" posts to a community member. I sometimes need to do this when a member leaves, their content gets converted to "guest" status, and then they decide to return some time later with a new account. I've also just come across a rather bizarre situation where a long-time member created a thread, and then several of his posts in that thread were attributed to "guest". We don't allow guests to post, so I have no idea how this happened, but I'd like to assign those posts to the actual member who made them if possible.

    Is it possible?


  2. Is there any way to clear the caches without using the tool in ACP? The reason I ask is that, at the moment, every time I try to load the 'support' page in ACP, I get a MySQL server has gone away error. It's the only page that produces this error, but I'm having other issues that would definitely benefit from clearing the caches (user icons not loading, for example).


  3. We have a member who insists on uploading politically charged and provocative profile photos, and I'd love to be able to forbid only this member from uploading them, but there doesn't appear to be a way to do so. I realise that I can create a new group with that permission disabled, and place the member in that group, but that seems like overkill for such a small problem. I also realise I could simply ban the member for being uncooperative and breaching community guidelines, but I don't think that's warranted just yet.

    So, I'm just wanting to either confirm that it can't be done, or be shown how if it can.


  4. So, I've solved the issue with the missing 'reactions' icons by recreating the missing directory, and re-uploading a found set of the applicable icons. Check.

    I also decided that the only practical way to solve the missing avatars issue was to have affected members re-upload their own, which is not the worst thing in the world. However, in the case of at least one member, he's not able to do so, as the spot on his profile where he would normally do so is just a plain white disc now, with no image icon button to initiate the action:


    Any ideas about how to fix this? My guess is that it will apply to other members, too; they just haven't discovered it yet.


  5. 1 minute ago, Nathan Explosion said:

    No worries.

    In that case they'll be in an installed local test site - hope you get sorted out.

    Thanks, Nathan. I've been able to download the icons for 'like', 'thanks', and 'aha' right from here. Unfortunately, 'sad' and 'confused' aren't used here, so I'll have to locate them elsewhere on the web.


  6. 19 minutes ago, Sonya* said:

    Yes. I tried to help. You say the folders were never there and the images from the folders that never were there have been served on the old server without issues. This makes no sense. Either they were there and have been deleted or moved (occasionally?) Or there have been any settings on the server (.htaccess?) redirecting to other path. I have no other ideas. 

    I know it makes no sense, and I do understand and appreciate that you're trying to help. I'm just incredibly frustrated by this issue right now, which is ironic, given how small it is, and how successful this rather major move has otherwise been. Given that no one else on the forums is actually seeing the issue with the reactions icons, I'm going to take an educated guess and say that they've been MIA for some time, and all we/they are seeing is some rather aggressive browser caching in action. I'm guessing that new members wouldn't even notice that they're missing. Simply re-uploading the reaction icons would indeed fix the problem, but they're not included in the downloadable release of the software; I just downloaded the full version of 4.6.1, and they're not there. I suppose I could swipe them from another Invision board, which isn't such a bad idea, actually.

    None of that helps with the avatars, however, but members can upload news ones I guess. Oddly, it appears at first glance to only affect a small handful so far. There's at least as many working ones that were never uploaded into the /profile subdirectory, so I'm assuming we're the victims of a mishmash of storage schemas going back over our 13+ years of using the product.

    Anyway, I've logged a support ticket, just so the guys can rule out any technical issues.

    Thanks again for your attempts to help, and my apologies for being grumpy.


  7. 4 minutes ago, Sonya* said:

    Super Troopers Yes GIF by Searchlight Pictures

    Seriously? We're just going around in circles now. I'll screenshot the directory/file structure on the old server if you'd like, just to prove that those files don't exist. How could I have missed any files, when I copied the entire contents of public_html in a single session? Just one drag/drop FTP operation, copying over 224000 files, with only 25 failed transactions. And these were files with non-ASCII characters in their names, and legacy at that (not even forum-related).

    Are you guys even reading my posts?


  8. 33 minutes ago, Nathan Explosion said:

    With regard to the reaction icons - if the uploads/reactions folder is empty, then you will need to reupload your reaction icons via (don't delete the existing reactions - edit them, upload the file again):a full download of the suite from the client area:

    It's not empty - it doesn't exist! Not on the old or new servers. The only interface graphics folder that exists in uploads/ is emoticons. There's some CSS and JavaScript folders, and a bunch of monthly_xxx ones, and the rest are just image files. Most of the existing user profile photos that still work seem to be stored in the monthly folders. I'll try re-uploading the reaction images and see if that fixes the problem.

    7 minutes ago, Sonya* said:

    Check your directory (path) settings:

    1. In ACP go to System -> Files
    2. Click on Storage Settings
    3. See what is set for Reactions and Profile Photos
    4. Change to the tab Configurations
    5. Click on the storage method in question (edit)
    6. See what is set under Directory. Is it a right path?
    7. Is Use a Custom URL? enabled? If yes, what is set under Custom URL? Is it a correct URL?

    Yep, done all this. All options simply point to /uploads/ - no subdirectories. There are in fact no /reactions or /profile subdirectories to point them to on either server. And yet, that's where some of them were stored and working from on the old server, which is a complete mystery to me!


  9. 12 minutes ago, Nathan Explosion said:

    I'm responding to the post above mine, not your issue in general.

    Ah, gotcha.

    6 minutes ago, Nathan Explosion said:

    Assumptions made:

    1. URL for site hasn't changed
    2. File path on old and new server is exactly the same and no changes were needed to be performed

    If the above assumptions are correct, I hate to say it but I suspect that you may not have copied all your files over. Is the old server still available?

    Yep, URLs and file paths are identical. The directories the seemingly missing files are supposedly being served from don't exist on either server - old or new. So I'm at a loss to explain how they were even working on the old server! I've checked and re-checked this multiple times so far. And unless IPB is storing files outside the document root somehow, I definitely grabbed all of them. I just don't understand why I seem to be the only one seeing an issue. My guess is that some of those images (the 'like' icons) are possibly inline SVGs, and I've got a problem with a CSS file somewhere. However, inspecting them tells me the browser is trying to load them from /uploads/reactions/, which doesn't exist on either server. Same with the missing user photos (/uploads/profile/).


  10. I've just manually migrated our community and associated website to a new server, and am discovering some annoying issues with missing graphics. Before describing the issues, I'll mention that I double-checked that all files were moved across from the original server, and I've cleared the forum caches several times on the new server. I also still have access to the old server, should I need to grab anything from it.

    The first issue is that a small portion of user profile photos (avatars) are now missing - including my own. I fixed my own by uploading a new one, so it's not the worst problem in the world, but what concerns me more is that the missing images are linked to a directory that not only doesn't exist on the new server(forums/uploads/profile/), but didn't exist on the old one either! So, how were they working before? And is there a way to restore them, or are they gone forever?

    The second and more concerning issue is that the 'reputation' icons ('like', etc) have also gone AWOL. The links are still there, and function properly, but the icons aren't loading. Any ideas? Submit a ticket?


  11. 37 minutes ago, Paul E. said:

    You should not use phpMyAdmin for operations like this as a best practice. Instead, use an SSH connection and perform the operations directly on your server.

    I usually use Sequel Pro for remote connections and management, but it seemed easier to run a repair all style command from phpMyAdmin, rather than repair each table individually with SP.


  12. 12 minutes ago, Paul E. said:

    Well, in earlier versions of IPB, they were likely MyISAM. In a new install today, they're all InnoDB. I'm assuming you're running 4.5.

    If so, you should move to InnoDB to prevent corruption issues.

    Right, makes sense. I've never done that conversion, and was under the impression that it can result in data loss, but I guess I'll have to investigate further.


    As it happens, I went ahead and ran a repair on all tables anyway, and this seems to have fixed the issue (pending further testing). I'd love to know what table/s were involved, but sadly, phpMyAdmin timed out while running the repairs.


  13. 2 minutes ago, Daniel F said:

    yes please:)

    Doing it now!


    1 minute ago, Paul E. said:

    You likely need to repair your database and should consider converting to InnoDB.

    Well, ibf_core_sessions definitely isn't crashed, and I have no idea what other table/s could be the culprit. Repairing all 200 doesn't really seem feasible to me. And surely Invision would set the tables up as required for its own product, so if they're MyISAM, then surely they're meant to be?


  14. Suddenly our community site is giving the old EX145 error code when trying to log in, or when logged in and trying to load a new page. This usually indicates that the table ibf_core_sessions has crashed, but in this case, repairing the table shows no errors and has no effect on the problem. So, I'm completely stuck! For what it's worth, the forums continue to function normally if you're logged out, but any attempt to log in generates the error, including for the ACP.

    I'm guessing I'll have to log a ticket for this one, but thought I might try the brains trust first.


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