Creating a link to a comment from a post ID
@bfarber Excellent, that works well. I was worried that the underlying query would use that Topic ID, I'm glad to see it doesn't. Thanks!
Creating a link to a comment from a post ID
Over the years there have been many (many, many!) different ways of linking to specific comments. One way that used to work takes the form: {Base URL}/index.php?do=findComment&comment={comment ID} It is a tough one to map directly to a modern link because it doesn't have the Topic ID in it. I typically try to keep these old links alive by adding ModRewrite rules in .htaccess, and that particular older form was my go-to when the URL didn't contain the TID. So... fast forward to 2020, and v4.5, which no longer supports that style of link. Is there an equivalent? That is, I need a link to a post that doesn't require the topic ID (I'm trying to avoid fixing this with a custom plugin that looks up the TID, I'm hoping there is just some sort of link that I can plug straight into .htaccess).
[4.5] Allow users to choose not to display topic sidebar
Right, but I like it! And so do many members who have commented. So I don't want to get rid of it entirely, I just want a way of better accomodating those coming to our site from smaller (but still desktop) screens. ETA: This was a response to @Daniel F Unfortunately the vast majority of topics where people will be interested in those status are many, many pages long: I personally really like the sidebar format, I'm just trying to work with my members who don't. I can sympathize with their position, so am seeking a way to help them.
[4.5] Sidebar images link to posts
My community has expressed some surprise that the images in the topic popularity sidebar don't have any apparent link back to the post they came from. Clicking an image makes it larger, but there's no indication of who posted it, when, or where. I think a link under the image, maybe with a "Posted Yesterday by Joe Bob" would be a welcome addition.
[4.5] Allow users to choose not to display topic sidebar
I've had several members (I'd guess on laptops) complain about the wasted space from the new popularity sidebar in the topics. It would be nice to either have an ACP-configurable (e.g. without wading into the CSS) option to disable it under a certain width independent of device type, or even better, simply allow individual users to close or collapse it.
Mail Bouncer - Automated Bounce Management
Hi Stuart - Two things: first, when I try to sort the statistics lists it always sorts by Member Name, regardless of which column I click on. Sorting by Disabled date would be very handy in diagnosing issues. Second, and the reason this comes up, is that from time to time one of SendGrid's IP addresses ends up on some sort of spam blacklist. It typically gets resolved within a couple of days, but any member whose email provider uses those blacklists and gets enough mail from us cannot log in anymore without changing their email address. I wonder if there is a way of catching that particular type of bounce and giving them a separate message (and still allowing them to log in). As an alternative, would you be willing to add a setting (either via the interface or something more deeply hidden) that doesn't outright require an email address change in these cases? I can support such a development financially if necessary. Chris Hennes, eGullet Society for Culinary Arts & Letters
Advanced Tags & Prefixes - IPS 4.x
Right now it seems like the advanced tool to mass-add tags is ignoring the setting to turn off searching the first post, if I'm understanding it correctly. What I want is to only do the search on the topic titles, but it seems to be returning results based on the title and the first post, even when I've toggled the "first post" switch to off.
Kitchen Sink
A suggestion -- right now in 4.2 reaction notifications just state that "so and so reacted" -- it would be great if the notification was "so and so reacted with 'Thanks'" or something like that. Probably too small to be its own plugin, but it might be a good fit here.
(NB40) Recent Forum Images (Attachments)
When we upgraded to 4.2, suddenly this plugin became incredibly slow. Any idea what's going on?
(DP42) CSE Google
I just checked, and my results come back with the interface in English, no matter what language setting I choose.
(NB40) Recent Forum Images (Attachments)
My members love this plugin, particularly now that I can put it in the sidebar. Of course, since they love it they have ideas for how to make it even better -- here are a couple of suggestions from them: They would prefer that the Alt text when you hover over the image be the name of the discussion topic, rather than just "Go to post". They want more! A way to create a whole page of these, letting them go back even further in time. I know, that's a much bigger task (probably an app, not a plugin).
Auto Welcome Support
I'm getting the same error, but it's actually saving the changes I make, so the error doesn't seem to actually affect anything.
(NB40) Recent Forum Images (Attachments)
Nice, that works for us. Might be nice to have a vertical orientation when it's in the sidebar, but this will get the job done.
(NB40) Recent Forum Images (Attachments)
I think the behavior can be the same as it is now, with the images either static or slideshow depending on user preference. It's really only the layout that has to change, I think all the rest of your settings work well there.
InterMedia - Dawid Pieron (aka DawPi)
We commissioned a mod from DawPi to replace one from our 3.4 board. The work was done very quickly, for a good price, with excellent support after installation.