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  1. Can understand the reasoning for a one location approach but I would prefer if each app such as gallery, forum/attachments, cms etc still keeps its own individual folders, even it's under a single uploads such as /uploads/gallery/ the main reason being for own use is backup reasons, but also maintenance and trouble shooting as I have large numbers of files in each folder app which if there was all-in folder, where all files from all apps went in say a '/uploads/monthly_2024_11/' feel it could be very unwieldy imo
  2. ...but the v5 settings (that are in place now) as far as I read it, will not allow any movement from various individual locations (s3), after the upgrade to v5 so any changes to file storage locations really need to be done before upgrade to v5?
  3. back to this I have just checked a beta test installation and it looks like that this new storage location format will be in place for the initial release of v5 Which means that as part of the upgrade all files will be moved to the new locations during the upgrade? Is that correct?
  4. ahhh yep of course, have got that installed and that's why I couldn't find it in the acp! thanks all
  5. Can't see it for looking, someone help me out Where's the 'Minimum content count to post' messengers option?
  6. as far as I can make out the below happens when you hit the 'new' limit of 350 messages, aws returns an error but my site doesn't close the SMTP connection and so any following message sends from my site fails till the next time out by commenting out the above line - my site now asks for a new connection each time the connect routine runs and so all the following emails after the error are always sent as said it for me it seems a quick and dirty fix that has got my 6k+ newsletter sending with no errors the link posted in the op has more technical info and recommendations
  7. thanks, that's something to consider, ideally once v5 out a quick and dirty fix appears to be comment out the return line 99 in smtp.php public function connect( $checkSsl=TRUE ) { /* Do we already have a connection? */ if( array_key_exists( $this->connectionKey, static::$smtp ) ) { ///nov2024 return; } once done a 6k newsletter sent without error and the edit sort of validates this statement Reset SMTP connections: Your suggestion to reset the SMTP connection before retrying to send a message that received this specific error is excellent. This will start a new session and should allow you to continue sending. It's a good practice to reset the connection after receiving this error, and it may indeed be beneficial to do so for other 4xx errors as well. @Marc maybe another forum be better suited
  8. Email error log when sending a bulk email fills up with errors which includes every so often the below message Amazon SES, SMTP Error Response: 421 Connection closed by server. Maximum message count per session reached investigation led to this topic here https://repost.aws/questions/QUw5qK9rBFSKqXvW5a-nAteg/amazon-ses-smtp-error-response-421-connection-closed-by-server-maximum-message-count-per-session-reached it says there may be a new limit of 350 calls from 19 Nov 2024 which fits in with the same date that they appeared in my email error log Anyone else sending over 350 emails seeing this problem?
  9. you read it wrong, I was pointing out that splitting storage locations via 2 different servers (self/S3) will no longer be possible no big deal, just another option removed onwards...
  10. I'd say cost and performance, as was talking self hosted sites there if we move to one single location then using a separate s3 bucket set up for large file directories such as gallery etc isn't possible while such a move isn't end of the world stuff, I just thought that it needed mentioning as it is removing options off topic but while here, I did send a pm ref support issue on your old account a few days ago guess we are talking months here, yep?
  11. In days gone by, it was fairly easy to knock a custom one up for v4 and found that it was very much appreciated by our members As nowadays with v5 upcoming am trying to avoid adding such custom code, could I request again that a view counter be added as per other main invision apps Thanks
  12. as no reply could I ask, if not why not?
  13. storing your theme/css/javascript files in the same single storage location as say your gallery images (s3 bucket) may not work that well in some cases is there a time scale yet for this depreciation?
  14. the above happens when Prevent changes to past events is enabled it does say 'If enabled, users will not be able to RSVP for events or edit events that have passed. Moderators will still be able to edit past events' but this should cover admins as well yep?
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