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  1. I have tried all the above and my forum has now been down for 7 days, how do I get assistance with this as doing the above has cause a pile of errors and I've basically lost nearly 20 years of forum history...
  2. Changed to PHP 8.1 Checked all required files, all ok Uploaded all new files to server via FTP Tried to run upgrade and get a 501 error and forum is not accessible at all.. I've had to re-instate the forum to a previous back to allow it to function again.
  3. Also when I upgrade to PHP8 the site will not work and I have to downgrade to PHP 7.4 even though the upgrade tool says I need to have PHP8 or higher..
  4. I'm getting the following warning when trying to update (image attached) , even after manually running these queries I cannot process past this step. Any help or suggestions ?
  5. I'm also unable to download this manual.pdf now the new marketplace system is in operation ??? THIS IS NOT AN UPGRADE of the old app (for IP.Board 3.4), so if you used the old app you probably still have data from the old app in your database, take a read on manual.pdf (page 2) in the zip file or request support before you install this app.
  6. I have just updated to the latest version of IPB and Classifieds , now all the categories and advertisements have disappeared totally ? Can anyone help ?
  7. Hello I have just purchased and installed this plugin.. its not working for example it does not embed this link.. https://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/1384811/brexit-news-boris-johnson-fishing-brexit-deal-uk-eu-trade-latest-update
  8. Hello Can anyone recommend any customised theme designers or even pre-built high quality themes, that are modern and functional ? Thanks
  9. Also I have just purchased this for use on IPB 4.36 will this work? As I cant see to find any controls of functions to add to Mailchimp once installed ?
  10. Will this sync all existing IPB forum members with a mailchimp list also ?
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