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Our Picks Homepage - Supporttopic
How do you set the pagination? I haven't reached that yet and i've loaded multiple articles already https://pro-bike.ro/forums/ourpicks/
Our Picks Homepage - Supporttopic
It's a perfect app. However, what happens when there are too many picks? A load more button should exist... to lighten up the loading time of the page. I also suggested other possible improvements here:
Adriano, sorry for the 'bad' tone i used in my answers,i really do like the app, and see it's potential... what i'm trying to say, is that you did a great job and i'm looking forward for future improvements The UI could be improved ( you know it ) and probably will be..
It makes sense to automatically resize any icon i upload. Make it user friendly, not geek friendly. Of course i know hot to resize photos, but it's not friendly to make me open a photo resize app, check the proper dimensions, add a proper photo.. etc. Just let me upload whatever i want and resize it properly. Thank you, i am aware of that, still, this should be fixed. Images could be resized through css. If i use a large resolution screen, bigger images can be displayed, otherwise, smaller. You really need a designer to make this app look good. It has such a potential. Not sure I follow this. The answers are marked by a circle, a select box. Put a numbering on their left side, as users prefer. Numbers (1,2,3) or letters (A,B,C..) I prefer letters.
I just purchased the app... Adriano, you still have to improve the way quizez are displayed and images uploaded. - I created a quiz, uploaded a photo to it... and... the image is not resized, or properly arranged in the category image - The images for questions are also not resize, or properly arranged. The answers could also be named A, B, C... to make a point. It looks really bad For now... i'm not satisfied by the app... It may have cool features, but the design lacks a lot of love.
Cool, finally the feature with images on quiz questions is available Can these images be imported throught the import / export tool? Do you have any plans to add multiple correct answers? (I want to use quizes for drivers license tests, which, here in Romania some questions have multiple correct answers. If the user fails to check all correct answers, the question is considered failed)
Sorry Adriano, my bad if i missed it. i'm checking replies on a hurry from the phone. Ok, got it
It's nice that the quiz can have an image imported... However, i was referring to adding an image to questions in the quiz. Can this also be achieved in a similar way? Some questions (actually most of them) in motorcycle questionnairs for taking the drivers license have images and based on them users must answer the questions
That would be great... to have questions with images and also be able to import / export / update them will the import allow us to update questions? The update could be possible after exporting (the export can contain an id for questions), if we use the same id, the questions can be updated P.s.: of course, reference images through an image url
Does the xml import / export support adding images to quizes?
How about multiple correct answers? if they are not all marked during the quiz, no points are received. is the quiz able to display photos? I intend to use it for motorcycle license questionnaire
- Quizzes
How can this help me? I know only about the quizzes app of Adriano
I do also need the option to import questions / answers
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As i said above, Activity streams already have powerful filtering options.. the only downside is the number of exported topics. Considering that your plugin just exports the latest "X" number of topics, you could easily improve that by changing the activity stream export number to the users desired value