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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by DawPi

  1. File Name: (DP23) Suspend My Account File Submitter: DawPi File Submitted: 12 Apr 2009 File Category: Modifications With this mod you can allow users change their groups to another, specified in ACP by Admin. Features: Enable/disable mod, Choose which groups can use this mod, Choose group to moved there users. Click here to download this file
  2. File Name: (DP23) SEO Linker 1.1 File Submitter: DawPi File Submitted: 13 Mar 2009 File Category: Modifications With this modification you can change specific phrazes in posts to another. In ACP view there is list of all 'pairs' -> BEFORE <> AFTER phrazes. From there you may see date added/uptaded, delete one pair, delete all pairs, see replaced code, you may also edits all pairs. If in the post will be this sentence: "This is forum." then will be replaced by sentence " This is super forum". As you see post was parsed based on pairs set in ACP. During editing posts user see original phrazes! Replaced phrazes will be shown only in topic view. Features: Enable/disable mod, Choose groups which will see parsed phrazes, Choose forums where this mod will be enabled, Mod works fine with fast edit stuff. Screens: http://www.ipslink.pl/scr/dp23_seol/screen1.png http://www.ipslink.pl/scr/dp23_seol/screen2.png http://www.ipslink.pl/scr/dp23_seol/screen3.png http://www.ipslink.pl/scr/dp23_seol/screen4.png http://www.ipslink.pl/scr/dp23_seol/screen5.png Click here to download this file
  3. File Name: (DP23) IP.Shoutbox Online List 1.1 File Submitter: DawPi File Submitted: 13 Mar 2009 File Category: Modifications With this mod you can show online users using IP.Shoutbox. Features: Enable/disable mod, Select which groups can see online list. Click here to download this file
  4. File Name: (DP23) IP.Shoutbox Indicator File Submitter: DawPi File Submitted: 13 Mar 2009 File Category: Modifications With this mod you can see online indicator in topic view. Features: Enable/disable mod, Select which groups can see online indicator icon. Click here to download this file
  5. File Name: (DP23) Copy Topics 1.1 File Submitter: DawPi File Submitted: 13 Mar 2009 File Category: Modifications With this mod you can copy whole topic or only few posts to new forum. Features: Enable/disable mod. Select which groups can use this mod ( if user from specific group don't have moderator rights then this mod WON'T work for him ). Select forums where this mod can bu used. Uppon copying topic is available option to hide/unhide topic. If you copy only few posts from topic then you must enter topic title ( required ) and description ( optionally ) and select new forum. The same forum can't be used. In copied topic view is small row with link to topic from actually was copied with reason of this action and date. This row can be deleted by clicking on small image displaying right on the row. Click here to download this file
  6. File Name: (DP23) Secondary Groups in Moderating List File Submitter: DawPi File Submitted: 13 Mar 2009 File Category: Modifications With this modification on Leaders Page are also displaying secondary groups each member. Click here to download this file
  7. File Name: (DP23) Forum 18+ 1.1 File Submitter: DawPi File Submitted: 09 Mar 2009 File Category: Modifications With this mod you can force rules agreement every time (based on cookies - one click per 24 h ) when someone open specific forum or topic in specific forum. If user click on Disagree button then he will be redirect to main board page. Features: Enable/disable mod per forum, Choose groups which are affected by this mod, Cookies enabled - 'one click per 24h', Enter custom message - full BBCode, smilies and HTML are allowed Screen: http://www.ipslink.pl/scr/dp23_for18_1.png Click here to download this file
  8. File Name: (DP23) Hide Members Activity 1.1 File Submitter: DawPi File Submitted: 28 Feb 2009 File Category: Modifications Description: Hide members activity on board. Options: Enable/disable mod, Choose which users should be hide from all activity views,Hidden members can see own accounts,Hiden: In statistics on main board, In forum view, In topic view ( icon beside post author name and in statistics below ), In profile view, In online list. Click here to download this file
  9. File Name: (DP23) Forum Changer File Submitter: DawPi File Submitted: 25 Feb 2009 File Category: Modifications With this mod you can allow users to select another forum to post new topic during writing. Features: Enable/disable mod Select which groups can use this mod Click here to download this file
  10. File Name: (DP23) Register in Ultimate Referals File Submitter: DawPi File Submitted: 25 Feb 2009 File Category: Modifications With this modification you can disable new registrations on board ( set in ACP ) and allow to new registration but only for people who click on referer link. Explaining otherwise: deny registration on the forum if anyone did not gave a referer link for someone. Click here to download this file
  11. File Name: (DP23) Adverts Manager File Submitter: DawPi File Submitted: 25 Feb 2009 File Category: Modifications With this mod you can show one or two independent ads in topic view. Features: Enable/disable mod Select which groups can see ads Select in which forums ads will be displayed Select place for ads, you can choose three: after first post and before last post in topic or after X post - set independent Screens: http://www.ipslink.pl/scr/dp23_amn.png http://www.ipslink.pl/scr/dp23_amn2.png Click here to download this file
  12. File Name: (DP23) Icon per Member File Submitter: DawPi File Submitted: 25 Feb 2009 File Category: Modifications With this modification you may set any image per user. This image will be shown: in statistics, last post info on board index, forum view, topic view - above avatar and statistics below. I have also instruction for integrate this mod with (FSY23) Group Name Indicator. Screens: ( with polish lang but look on images position ) Board index: <img src=" " border="0" class="linked-image" /> Statistics: http://www.ipslink.pl/pomoc_invision/mod_staty_wm.png Forum view: http://www.ipslink.pl/pomoc_invision/mod_forum_gl_wm.png Topic view: http://www.ipslink.pl/pomoc_invision/mod_temat_wm.png ACP: http://www.ipslink.pl/pomoc_invision/mod_acp_zarz_wm.png Click here to download this file
  13. File Name: (DP23) Translate Posts File Submitter: DawPi File Submitted: 25 Feb 2009 File Category: Modifications With this mod you can give ability to translating one post from whole topic. Features: Enable/disable mod, Choose which groups can use this mod, Enter new translating languages, Members can choose in their UCP their translate lang and their there could also changing their board language, If poster and user languages are the same then translating button don't show in topic view, This mod works well with enabled setting "Force guests to log in before allowing access to the board?". More screens: http://www.ipslink.pl/scr/dp23_trans_1.png http://www.ipslink.pl/scr/dp23_trans_2.png http://www.ipslink.pl/scr/dp23_trans_3.png http://www.ipslink.pl/scr/dp23_trans_4.png Click here to download this file
  14. File Name: (DP23) Advanced Watermark File Submitter: DawPi File Submitted: 25 Feb 2009 File Category: Modifications With this mod you can let members choose in which forums watermark in attachments are enabled. As admin you can choose which groups can use this mod. Globally disable or enable mod and set watermark. Features: Enable/disable mod, Set watermark ( only .png files ), Choose location of new watermark ( top left, top right, center, bottom left, bottom right ), Choose which groups can use this mod. Click here to download this file
  15. File Name: (DP23) Denial of Service 1.1 File Submitter: DawPi File Submitted: 19 Jan 2009 File Category: Modifications File Name: (DP23) Denial of Service Author: DawPi Category: IP.Board 2.2.x and 2.3.x modification Description: With this mod you can force users to read and agree with your custom terms and rules before they can do anything on board. Features: Enable/disable mod Force guests to log in before allowing access to the board - guest must login or register before they can do anything on board. After that new user must agree with DOS ( terms and rules ) Show/don't show date of last update rules Actions:If you choose (No action) then no action will be run. If you choose Force DOS agreement then users from selected groups will be must agree with rule set below. If you choose Mark as forced then users from selected groups won't must agree with rule below. Redirect settings: choose where you want redirect user after terms agreement. Available options: main page, specific forum/topic/post/announce by ID. Rules and terms: you can set title ( with {member_name} tag optionally ) and message ( full BBCode and HTML are allowed ) Update or not date of last update during changing terms and rules in ACP Screens: http://www.ipslink.pl/scr/dp23_dos_1.png http://www.ipslink.pl/scr/dp23_dos_1a.png http://www.ipslink.pl/scr/dp23_dos_2.png http://www.ipslink.pl/scr/dp23_dos_3.png http://www.ipslink.pl/scr/dp23_dos_4.png http://www.ipslink.pl/scr/dp23_dos_5.png http://www.ipslink.pl/scr/dp23_dos_6.png Click here to download this file
  16. DawPi

    "Undo" feature

    I can imagine undo posts deletes, moves etc. but not merge, split. :)
  17. This is in CA already: http://www.invisionpower.com/index.php?appcomponent=downloads&showfile=205 :)
  18. Guys, ability to reorder these links is in ACP since i can remember. Before: After: How to do this? Simply. Go to the Applications Management and use drag-and-drop! :) Of course there is some restrictions, but i hope this will be fine for you. :)
  19. Yeah, hook but with all needs to ban specific member from any topic. ;) This mod is available also on IM board! :)
  20. Please note that isn't upgrade this previous mod which was described above, but this is my version. :) No file edits! :) :)
  21. Ok, mod released on resources, but needs to be approved. Please be patient! :)
  22. Ok, where i should put this key in ACP? :lol:
  23. +100! Please do this asap. :whistle:
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