Sure, but I don't know when. Lack of time and this mod has low priority.
But anyway - do not bother about it and use it as normal on IPS 4.x which will be supported by years (that's what IPS said).
I've done it few months ago. I hope you didn't expected that I'll wait so long for it. 😉
Maybe for someone else will be useful.
Hm, are you sure that was done in .12?
Hm, yeah, .10 -> .12 exists:
So it was fixed in .11
Better? 🙂
Taken few actiona and the result:
New title:
Hope it's fine? 🙂
Unfortunatelly it isn't doable. My mod hook into modLog which is perform AFTER move (source and destination forums would be the same):
Which editor?
I have a lot of ":emotikonshortcut:" in the oooold posts not converted. Is there any exists queue method to rebuild posts (imitate edit/save operation) to pare and display them in the old exists posts?