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Posts posted by Tanax

  1. The edit history is something I honestly think IPB should definitely add, its an outstanding feature.

    However regarding the rest of things you mention they can already be perform with the tools at hand, you just gotta look around a bit.

    You do realize this topic is from 2009, right? That's why some of the features they asked for here have been implemented.

  2. And revamp the Moderating Team Page. Allow us to indicate when we make a usergroup if this usergroup is sfaff. if it is, display the color-formatted names on the moderating team pages separated by groups. The groups will be listed in order with the most power to least... you can come up with some way of detecting which group has more access. So, admins would go up top, then co-admins, global mods, mods, etc. Just an idea.. Moderating Team page hasn't really changed in years.

    I agree.
    Aswell as an option to write an "about" snippet on each staff member.
    I'm sure a lot of people want that since it's kinda general. This information could perhaps be fetched from the staffmember's "about" tab from the profile. Or a completely seperate thing.
  3. This idea can be achieved with soft-delete.

    Only allow your moderators to soft-delete.
    That way you can easially see which threads has deleted items in them and at the same time be able to review and revert, if neccessary, the post(s)/thread(s).

  4. What you need is another permission setting. There is already 'Read topics' and 'Reply topics', another would be needed, "Read topic replies" or something of that nature.

    I think there is actually a hook that only affects guests so that they can only see the first post of each topic but not anything after that. I'm sure if you contact the author of that hook, they could make one to let you set permissions on who could read the complete topics.

    Doesn't he want it PER POST aswell?
    So he can mark a post "Unreadable by usergroups: x, y, z" after it's been posted.
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