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We want to ensure that converting from your existing community platform to ours is as seamless as possible.

While we do have a migration service available where we take care of everything for you, we do also offer a DIY option.

We took some time to overhaul the conversion process for those opting to convert using our free tools.

Ready to convert?

So you've just purchased your first copy of Invision Community, and you're ready to convert your existing site over from another software package. Great! We're glad you've made the decision to take your community to the next level!

You've already checked out our Migrations page, confirmed the software you wish to convert from is supported, and you're confident in your ability to work through the process. You install the Converters package and you're ready to go. 

Lets get started!

We have overhauled the converters to simplify the process. Beginning with 4.4, you will take the following steps to convert from another software package:

  • Rather than choose the application you wish to convert first, you will now choose what software you are converting from, which is a much more logical start to a conversion.
  • Next, you will supply the database details for your source database (the database you wish to convert into your new Invision Community).
  • Then, you will see a list of all applications that can be converted for the software package you are converting from. If any applications cannot be converted (perhaps because you were not previously using the corresponding application in your source software), a message will be shown indicating there is nothing to convert. If any steps require additional configuration, you will be able to specify those details here.
  • And finally, when you submit that form - that's it! You're done, and you can sit back and let the conversion process on its own. Each step for each application will be completed automatically, and the conversion will be finalized automatically at the end. A progress bar will be shown, along with a textual indicator that outlines exactly what is being converted.

What does it look like?

Here's a quick video to illustrate the new conversion process.

The system even remembers where you were at and automatically picks back up where you left off. Closing your browser, losing internet connectivity, or some other unforeseen issue won't stop you dead in your tracks and force you to start all over again.

We hope that these updates make it even easier to switch from another community platform.