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Change a forums background colour setings

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Newbie question , Can someone remind me where in ACP the setting for changing an individual forums background colour setting is?

I have some forums for a 'group' set to a yellow background and want to add more forums to it which are currently a white background.


I know it was a simple setting in ACP as I'm a cloud based account.


harry m



There is no setting for the background of individual forums. That can only have been custom work you have there. The only custom colour for forums is the "Use a Feature Color?" setting, which can be found in each forums settings. It may be your theme is using that


Hi Marc,


Thank you. I sorted it out, but gave myself another problem

I found a theme called 'Restricted Rides' in a drop down box in ACP > Community > Forums> [selected The forum I wanted to change] >  Forum Settings - Override theme

which did what I wanted.


The problem I now have, is that I can't find that actual theme in

ACP > Customization > Themes - So I can edit it, or copy it to make another version.

Would it be somewhere else instead ?


harry m

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