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Bug Report: Conflict between "Can post anonymously" and "Automatically follow content" functions


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The "Can post anonymously" function conflicts with the "Automatically follow content" feature. When a user posts anonymously, their username still appears in the list of users following the topic, effectively revealing their identity despite posting anonymously.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Enable both the "Can post anonymously" and "Automatically follow content" features for a user.
  2. The user posts content anonymously in a specific topic.
  3. The user's name is automatically added to the list of users following the topic.
  4. Check the list of followers for the topic.

Expected Behavior:

When a user posts anonymously, their identity should remain hidden. Their username should not appear in the list of users following the topic if they posted anonymously.

Actual Behavior:

The user's identity is revealed in the list of followers of the topic, as their username is automatically added to the follower list despite posting anonymously.


This bug compromises the anonymity of users, violating the expected functionality of the "Can post anonymously" feature and potentially causing privacy concerns.



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That's not the recent code, are you using the recent version?

This changed in 4.7.17

			$save = array(
				'follow_id'				=> md5( static::$application . ';' . $followArea . ';' . $obj->$idColumn . ';' .  \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id ),
				'follow_app'			=> static::$application,
				'follow_area'			=> $followArea,
				'follow_rel_id'			=> $obj->$idColumn,
				'follow_member_id'		=> \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id,
				'follow_is_anon'		=> isset( $values[ 'post_anonymously' ] ) ? (bool) $values[ 'post_anonymously' ] : 0,
				'follow_added'			=> time() + 1, // Make sure streams show follows after content is created
				'follow_notify_do'		=> 1,
				'follow_notify_meta'	=> '',
				'follow_notify_freq'	=> \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->auto_follow['method'],
				'follow_notify_sent'	=> 0,
				'follow_visible'		=> 1


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