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Redis Cache Not Working

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I am using AWS Elasticache and have entered the server address and port in the GUI, but there is no server password.  Leaving the password blank results in an error.    Do I need to play around with access roles and permissions?

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AWS does not have passwords for their Elasticache - they rely on internal security.

Things I have done:

  • Made sure the Redis and server are in the same VPC.
  • Added an IAM role to the server giving it full access to elasticache.
  • Added the Redis security group as CIDR in the outbound connections.

Any AWS gurus have any idea?

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Start by SSHing into the host, and trying to connect to Redis using redis-cli.  In this way, you should be able to figure out if the issue is on IPS or not.

Is you security group for Elasticache allowing inbound connections on port 6379?

Also, I assume that when you say that you "entered the server address", you mean the "Primary endpoint", right?

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Hey @Marc, I've created the user with a password - thx!    Can you ask your colleague what do next?

I have created the Elasticache user and entered the password in my community GUI, but without permissions, it doesn't work.  I'm having problems adding such a user as a principal in the trust entry for the role assigned to my EC2 instance hosting my forum.  It's a normal user ARN but it's not accepting it in the editor.

@ptprog - All ports are open for testing, and I did use the endpoint URL.    I found out I did not have the redis cli installed.  It gives me the error saying it could not connect to   Is there something I have to configure on the EC2?


Edited by Elon Report
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I woudl advise on contacting your hosting provider for assistance in setting this up, if its something that you are unsure about. We are usable to assist you with the setup on your own environment

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46 minutes ago, Marc said:

I woudl advise on contacting your hosting provider for assistance in setting this up, if its something that you are unsure about. We are usable to assist you with the setup on your own environment

OK - I'll ask the community.  Thanks Marc.  🙂

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16 hours ago, Elon Report said:


@ptprog - All ports are open for testing, and I did use the endpoint URL.    I found out I did not have the redis cli installed.  It gives me the error saying it could not connect to   Is there something I have to configure on the EC2?

From the error, I assume you did not specify the endpoint/hostname wit redis-cli.  To connect to ElastiCache using redis-cli, you should use a command like:

redis-cli -h <primary endpoint hostname> -p 6379 --tls --askpass

Replace <primary endpoint hostname> with the appropriate value for your instance.  Drop the --tls if you do not have TLS enabled.

If this fails, it likely means there is an issue preventing your host to connect to the cluster.  If it succeeds, them its likely the problem is on the connection from IPS.

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