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Assistance Needed with Database Restoration and Admin Panel Access

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I worked with Creator-Package, but had to buy Classic License so i can host by myself, and the support gave me an instruction how to Insert my backup (from the Creator-Package)


"TO restore this on your own server, please see the below:
1 Upload a fresh set of files from your client area
2 Upload the contents of your uploads folder backup to the “uploads” folder
3 In the “SITEFILES” folder move the conf_global.php file to the root of your installation
4 Move the contents of the plugin folder to your plugins folder
5 Restore your database backup to a database you create on your own hosting
6 edit your conf_global, and add the correct new database details, and your sites new URL
7 Login to the Admin Panel and go to Files -> Storage Settings -> Configurations sub-tab -> click “+ Create New”
8 Make sure “File System” is selected. The field titled “Directory” should be automatically populated with the path to your ./uploads/ folder, but if it is not, fill in the full server path to that folder.
9 Once done, be sure to click “Save”
10 When the page reloads, on the “Storage Settings” sub-tab, make sure each setting is changed to the new method you just created. However, the bottom setting “Move files automatically” must be de-selected. This is because you do not want to move the files automatically; they are already there in the ‘uploads’ folder, if you have followed the above directions.
11 Be sure to click “Save” when done."

But i can't go into the Admin Panel after the 6. step, it redirects me everytime to "Start installation" instead of Admin panel.

I have followed the instructions to restore the database and configure the application, but I am encountering issues with accessing the Admin Panel and completing the configuration. Here are the details:

  1. Database Restoration:

    • The database (NAMEHIDDEN) has been successfully restored on the MariaDB server.
    • The configuration in the conf_global.php file has been updated as follows:
      Code kopieren
      $INFO = array ( 'sql_host' => 'localhost', 'sql_database' => '(NAMEHIDDEN)', 'sql_user' => 'root', 'sql_password' => '(PASSHIDDEN)', 'sql_port' => NULL, 'sql_socket' => NULL, 'sql_tbl_prefix' => NULL, 'sql_utf8mb4' => true, 'board_start' => (HIDDEN), 'installed' => true, 'base_url' => 'https://(HIDDEN)', 'guest_group' => 2, 'member_group' => 3, 'admin_group' => 4, 'sql_read_host' => 'localhost', 'sql_read_user' => 'root', 'sql_read_database' => '(NAMEHIDDEN)', );
  2. Issue with Admin Panel Access:

    • When I visit the URL http://(HIDDEN), I only see the option to "Start Installation."
    • I am unable to access the Admin Panel and cannot proceed with logging in or completing the configuration.
  3. Troubleshooting:

    • The web server appears to be running correctly, and the MariaDB database is active.
    • There are no specific error messages in the available logs (/var/log/apache2/error.log and /var/log/mariadb/mariadb.log are empty or not found).

Please assist me in resolving this issue and provide guidance on how to access the Admin Panel or if any further troubleshooting steps are required.

Thank you for your help!

Best regards,

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You will want to verify that the database has been fully restored and you are using the proper prefix and connection settings to access it. As you are getting the installation page, the software is seeing a database but not one with your data restored to it.

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