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Posting > Links & Email Addresses flaw


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If a user posts affiliate links, moderators approving the moderated links won't be savvy enough to know which part of the posted URL is spam. For instance -

Host name (explodes into full URL when clicked) - amzn.to/<product>

URI - amazon.com/?...tag=<publisher>

These are just examples and there are many more spam URLs from other sites with lot of variations.

Currently, the only options with Links & Email Addresses is to either Block or Moderate both of which are not adequate. Please provide a 3rd option to REPLACE the spam part of the link (similar to Word Filters) with a replacement text so the affiliate link becomes useless.

If we add a Link Filter like amzn.to or tag= these should get replaced with **** so they become ineffective.

Word Filters has REPLACE option with a flaw that only the displayed text is replaced but not the underlying link which may be fixed as well.

Please confirm if this added to your bug model.

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41 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

Why wouldnt you just add these to disallowed links?

The author means the link should be allowed. But the referral part should be replaced by something, like *** either in text and URL. 

@WebCMS there is a custom app that makes something similar https://forum.invisionize.pl/files/file/872-dp45-advanced-regexp/


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Correct. Links & Email Addresses should work similar to Word Filters where there is a replacement text specified to replace the objectionable words. Without this, technologically challenged moderators would have no clue what part of the URL to remove/replace before approving the link with the current flaw.

Please add the REPLACE logic to Links & Email Addresses where we could replace the spammer's tag (or append if tag doesn't exist) with our own publisher tag value and earn that commission! 😀 (works only with tag parameter and not amzn.to host name)

NOTE: It should replace the specified part in both the displayed text and underlying link with the replacement text.

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2 minutes ago, WebCMS said:

Addresses should work similar to Word Filters where there is a replacement text specified to replace the objectionable words.

Just to mention: word filter does not replace parts of the words. It replaces the whole match only. Partial replacing is not a default feature in IPS, not even in word filters.

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10 hours ago, WebCMS said:

Please add the REPLACE logic to Links & Email Addresses where we could replace the spammer's tag (or append if tag doesn't exist) with our own publisher tag value and earn that commission! 😀 (works only with tag parameter and not amzn.to host name)

Well, Link replacement can be made to work with hostname affiliate links as well to inject our own tag/publisherId.

amzn.to/productId => can be reformatted as => amazon.com/dp/prouctId?tag=publisherId

12 hours ago, Sonya* said:

The author means the link should be allowed. But the referral part should be replaced by something, like *** either in text and URL. 

@WebCMS there is a custom app that makes something similar https://forum.invisionize.pl/files/file/872-dp45-advanced-regexp/

Advanced Regexp app does not reformat amzn.to hostname URLs with tag as suggested above.

10 hours ago, Sonya* said:

Just to mention: word filter does not replace parts of the words. It replaces the whole match only. Partial replacing is not a default feature in IPS, not even in word filters.

Apparently, IC software has a word index table where every word from all the posted content is indexed for search to work with full words as indexed. Search doesn't work with stemming and synonyms like a full-text search server (I posted another topic on this shortcoming to use a stemming class along with a synonym dictionary).

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