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Registration Terms & Rules external link

Vodafone CZ

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Hello, could you please add an option to link external URL for Registration Terms & Rules? 🤔 Same as in case of Site Guidelines and Privacy Policy. We have some complicated document for this which would be hard to format via editor and I would like to link PDF file directly 😞

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You shouldn't.

At least in Germany we had some judges who think, that a pdf needs anything to show it and so the user can't view any important information without a hazard.

This sounds as dumb as it is, but it can be very expensive to meet a judge like that.

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30 minutes ago, peter.schaefer said:

a pdf needs anything to show it and so the user can't view any important information without a hazard.

what pdf needs? and what kind of hazard? 😮 must have been some weird judge 🤔 maybe i dont understand properly

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9 minutes ago, Vodafone CZ said:

what pdf needs? and what kind of hazard? 😮 must have been some weird judge 🤔 maybe i dont understand properly

Best way in Germany is to use plain HTML and not anything you need a reader or software for reading it.

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