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Sitemap Question


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Hi everybody,

I want to optimize my sitemap settings including the robots.txt file.

Now here is the situation. My IPB is in a subfolder of my domain hanspeterkruesi.com/members - the main domain has 3 static pages ( like landing pages ) which lead to the departments of the IPB.

Now the question is - do I have to mention those 3 static pages in the robots.txt file or I just create 2 sitemaps. The one which is generated automaticly by the IPB + on which takes the static pages + hanspeterkruesi.com/members into the list ?

Thanks for your help in forward.

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Officially the advice would be not to create one at all. The software has this built in. If you are doing something outside of what the software already does, then you would really need someone with expertise in that area to assist with whatever you are trying to achieve.

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