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Change 404 into 410 Code

Marcel Iseli

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Hey Guys

I am wondering if there is a way to make sure that deleted content is served as a 410 GONE error instead of a 404 page. I want to signal to Google that the content is deleted for good, so a 410 would be much better than serving a 404. But I don't know if there is any way in IPB to do that. 

Basically, every topic that I delete I would like to serve a 410, so that Google knows that the content is deleted for good and it can then quickly deindex it. 

Kind regards,


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hi Marc

Thank you for the answer.

Yes, that is true. But a 410 error would be better to signal to Google that the item is not only gone temporarily, as 404 errors signal just that, while 410 errors signal to Google that an item is gone for good, which results in faster deindexing. 

Anyway, thanks for the answer!



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