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(NE) Delete notifications

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  • 2 weeks later...

v1.1.0 is currently pending approval


  • added ability to allow users to pick a date range for the deletion of notifications.
    • if allowing users to also choose applications then a date range per application will be available to the user.
  • added a setting to display an indicator, which updates when the user chooses applications and/or changes date ranges, and indicates the number of notifications which will be deleted based on those choices.
  • added a setting to display the "Are you sure?" description as a warning instead.


  • The 'Guests' group is no longer selectable in Settings.
  • added the number of deleted notifications to the "Notifications have been deleted" feedback.
  • Change the confirmation form's checkboxes to "Yes/No" toggles.


  • fixed an issue where the breadcrumb on the 'Delete notifications' page didn't link to a controller.
  • fixed an issue where the breadcrumb on the 'Delete notifications' page didn't display a friendly URL when hovering over the link.
  • added missing restrictions language strings
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