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google sign up (what scopes need to be checked if any?)


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I have enabled google signup ,

created apps, tested it, it works with the test user brilliantly,

also an older account I had, with that email,  is merged with the google sign in seamlessly. 


But to publish and verify it, I also need to know if  I need to select any of the scopes mentioned. 

In the google guide of invision its not mentioned. 

Do I leave it blank? 

Here are some of the scopes 

Could contain: Page, Text


Could contain: Page, Text

Could contain: Page, Text, File, Webpage



In the url link that  appears when trying to sign in, i see that    email & profile are mentioned.  So I guess those two. 

Or do we leave all blank /empty , not select anything , and just do 

save and continue?

since on this window, it says

Could contain: Page, Text


I guess I would need to tell them what data (scopes) I will use  so I need to know  which ones they are. 


It would be nice if in the guide you have an example of that description, or text.

 is it just enough to write them 

"We need to access this data ( which ones exactly, only    username email and password ? ) so that our users are able to create an account within our forum/community via the software of InvisionPower which has the feature to use  google oauth for an account to be instantly created. For an Account the only thing that is needed is an email an a password. These are the only data we require from google"

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