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Event Repetitions not showing in the monthly resume


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Hi team, I've created some events in my calendars with repetition series like this, and when I go to the events section and see the monthly view only show the next date for every repetition event. Not shows all dates for every repetition as should be. In this way looks like only we have one event every month and is not real. We have four or five events every month.

In addition, now show for every month view the same upcoming event date:

  • January: January, 22th
  • February: Jan, 22th
  • March: Jan, 22th
  • etc...

Can you take a look al solve for upcoming updates? Can you take a look this suggestion about this events that can be related too? 

Thaks so much.

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54 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

Before we configure, could you please confirm you have run any patches showing in the support area of your admin CP? I ask as there was a patch released for a date issue with calendar items only yesterday

I haven't any update in my ACP today. I've installed the latest v4.7.6.

Other problem related with it is with the past events with repetitions. They are not visible, in contrast the simple past events are showed, for example january 1st in the pictures showed in the first post.

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3 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

You do appear to have patches awaiting. Please go to Support in the top right of your admin CP, and you will see "Optional patch" under the version number

I did apply this patches and wait for 15 minutes and the problem described in this post continues.

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@Lindor I've asked about updating recurring events before but I don't think it will get high up on the agenda unfortunately. Especially given we've just had a few updates to Events in recent months. I agree that these changes are logical and make complete sense but the changes needed would need to extend to other things such as RSVP, for individual events rather than the whole series, etc.

Personally, I would look to deploy workarounds which is essentially putting in events individually in advance. Whilst its a pain and probably half an hour of your time, they will show in the way you want them and members will be able to RSVP to the ones they can come to rather than all or nothing.

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