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My site is not resolving


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Wow, I am tremendously disappointed we paid what we did to have our site hosted here on invision's servers. having to post a message in a community forum for support is ridiculous.  When I email support, I get an email stating that "as a self hosted client you don't have email support".  We aren't a self hosted client.  We are a paid $1,000+ to be hosted on invision's servers client.

I have pointed our domain strokeboard.net to the 4 invision nameservers I was giving during the initial setup and the domain does not resolve to our site.  I would like to be contacted by support immediately.  This is inexcusable.

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Sorry to hear you are having issues there. Im sure we can certainly get you sorted out. I did note here, you had actually selected your self hosted license. If you have done this also when trying to submit a ticket, thats likely what is causing you problems. In any case, dont worry, we can get your sorted out.

Note that just changing nameservers will not make it point to your site here instantly. It has to be set by us in order to do this. Please bear with me while I take a look for you

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I have taken a look for you on this, and the reason your emails are being returned is that you are not an alternative contact on any cloud purchase. 

Note, you are selected as an alternative contact by someone, but they have not selected any purchased for you to have support access to. So at present, the only item you have access to support on is the self hosted license (I have removed the URL on that to save confusion). That person needs to select the purchase in order for us to issue support.


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Appreciate the reply Marc.  Can you walk me through this?  I'm doing all of this on behalf of my client.  I can appreciate the security formalities of Invision but she knows nothing at all about this and I have full login access to her account.  How do I go about selecting this plan?  I'm confused about it.

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I have sent you a PM on this. Please note, she should change the details on her account after ensuring you have access. Nobody but herself should have access to her account as per terms and conditions. I do realise the situation given other discussions however, of course.

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Thank you.  She's logged in on her end and I walked her through this but she's telling me it won't let her save me as a contact because I need to make an account, but clearly I have one, as I'm logged into it right now.  She sent me a screenshot and I verified my email address was correct.

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As suspected, the message there actually says the user is already one of her alternative contacts. She needs to edit the one that is already present in the list

To clarify. She is clicking the where I show on the red arrow, however as mentioned above, you may have already been present in the list, so she needs to edit that already existing entry shown on the green arrow

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Glad to see we were able to get that sorted for you, now you were added as a contact for that account. Just to let you know, you should be able to email over now without the rejection email as you have a cloud package you can access 😊


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