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Expired test license


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Hello. I would like to install a test board again under the same subdomain as before, but when I paste the license code I am getting the notification:


  • A test installation has already been activated for this license key. Your license key entitles you to one test installation only.


Could it be resetted, please?



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I've tried to reinstall my main board under licensed domain and I am getting the notification that my license key is already in use, even though all the files from the previous installations are already removed.

Is it possible to reset it, so I can start from scratch with my main and test board? 


Edited by angle4cor
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You dont type in any URL. You would simply click it and it will reset it to no URL. The URL is set when you install.

If you are using the same URL however, you dont need to reset at all. Just make sure it's the exact same address

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It's the exact same adress, but when I am trying to install the board I am getting the error Ive pasted in the first post. Yes, Ive installed a test board on this test license and the same subdomain name before, but its been since deleted and I am trying to install new one again. 

How am I supposed to do that?

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