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Scheduling posts

Carole Asselin
Go to solution Solved by Carole Asselin,

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I just installed the forum and it is a great time as I normally will schedule posts for the first of the month. So I did. I scheduled something for January 1st, 2023, but it is already showing, even though it is shown to be locked.

For me, as admin, I see this:

Could contain: File, Webpage, Text, Page


But for a non-logged in visitor, here is what is seen:

Could contain: Page, Text

So it is already visible in the forum and furthermore, it is also clickable for anyone. Am I misunderstanding the functionality of "scheduling topics"?

Also, I was looking for a guide to the posting part (not the CP angle) so I can make tutorials for my members. Is there one? 

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4 minutes ago, Jim M said:

Was this originally posted and then set to be published in the future?

Now that you are asking the question, I see that it was posted 9 hours ago, which I thought was strange since it was not installed 9 hours ago. I think it might have been a draft that was set in bbpress before the migration.

Let's see if I can delete that one and repost from scratch.

OK, I guess that was the issue. It was a draft from bbpress that was migrated into Invision.

I did post it again, from scratch and it only shows for admin account, which is what I was expecting all along.

Thanks. 🙂

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