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Contests App


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Any site owners or devs interested in working to build a Contests App?

Types of Contests:

  • Team based
  • Individual based


  • Contest management forms and reporting
    • Create/Read/Update/Delete a contest
      • Contest name
      • Contest begin and end date
      • Contest logo
      • Contest description
      • Contest scoring (see below)
    • Join a contest
    • Leave a contest
    • Randomly draw teams of N for a contest
    • List of Contests report
      • Active/Inactive/Complete filters, etc
    • Team Contest XYZ report
      • List of teams, Team total scores, Team member scores, and ranking
      • Final results summary upon completion
    • Individual Contest XYZ report 
      • List of individuals, Individual scores and ranking
      • Final results summary upon completion
    • Customizable item entry forms for contest scoring with required fields vs optional enrichment fields
      • Support media such as pictures, video, etc
      • Similar to Pages, the ability to add arbitrary fields
      • Perform basic scoring calculations (say if there is a collection of various length or size measurements that sum to a total)
  • Contest entry submission management forms and reporting (FREE or some predefined monetary value or even member points)
  • Contest prize management forms and reporting
    • Support member donations to be added in form of money or physical prize (i.e. prize name, description, pictures, etc)
    • If feasible, tied to Commerce, the ability to distribute monetary prizes
    • Prize distribution report (can be calculated automatically across monetary in % of total or manually defined)
  • Security/Permissions/Validations
    • Only certain groups can create/edit/delete contests (admin, mods, etc)
    • Members can add an entry only to contests they have joined
    • Members can add an entry only to their team in team contests
    • Members not active in a contest until they've PAID, etc
    • Contest submission entry validation
      • Use case (ignoring hacking EXIF data) might be a photography contest requires EXIF data in an entry form and the photo must be taken after the member entered the contest (i.e. PAID the entry fee).
Edited by Clover13
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