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Issue with some members having two active purchases

Desmodromene IT

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After what I believe was caused by issues with a plugin that has since been removed, some members have two active purchases where one is actually expired, but with an expiration date set in the future. I've attached a couple of screenshots to show what I mean. The first screenshot shows the active purchases, the second shows the details of the first purchase (which is correct and should remain active), and the third shows an expired purchase which for some reason shows up as active. My question is simply: how can I make the initially expired purchase inactive without breaking anything or canceling the member's subscription? If I edit the purchase and set the expiration date to a date in the past, will that make that spesific purchase inactive without breaking the main subscription plan or anything else? I haven't messed around with this before, so I'd rather ask than try and fail 🙂


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  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry, it seems your topic had been missed there somehow. Without knowing what exactly the 3rd party item has done, there is no way in which we can say what will and wont be affected by the expiration of that purchase. If you have a purchase in place, it shouldnt affect anything if you expire the old one. But thats based on assumptions from what the core product would generally do of course

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The plugin changed/set the expiration date for all purchases, but it had a "bug" so it changed the expiration date for already expired purchases as well. So you can see on the bottom picture that the purchase is expired, but active with an expiration date in the future. Basically what I want to do is change the bottom one back to being inactive without affecting the top one. I can take a server snapshot and try and fail, but I would prefer not to, and rather do it correctly the first time 🙂

If I click Edit on the purchase that shouldn't be active and change the expiration date there to something in the past, will that just affect that one purchase? If yes, then that would be the solution. Like I said, I just want to avoid breaking anything 🙂


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You would indeed need to take a backup in any case. Unfortunately I cant really tell you what it will do, as its not in a state that should be possible. I would have said the best way to resolve this would actually be to ask the author of the plugin to correct the issue that it caused.

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