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Invision Insight: 17 days until Christmas!


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Welcome to this week's Invision Insight!

Well doesn't time just fly by?! We are a little over two weeks away from Christmas and well into the holiday season! I hope everyone's got their presents ready or at least has an idea of what to buy for their loved ones. I'm a last-minute man so I have so much time left before joining the crowds... 😅

For those following the World Cup , despite Australia being knocked out of the tournament by Argentina, my equally supported team from my roots, Portugal, has made it through to the quarterfinals! 🎉

I would love to hear what you are up to and are most excited about this time of year.

To keep you in the loop with Invision Community...

December 2022 Chat - In Summary

We received some feedback from the chat we hosted last week, (shoutout to @jesuralem), so I thought I'd provide a summary of key items discussed to offer everyone an opportunity to catch up on the latest from the team! For those that can, though, give the video a watch to get the full context. I hope you've got your reading glasses on...


  • Improved the software and user experience.
  • Collaboration through our clients, community and the team, we identified needs and delivered additions and improvements.
  • We planned to pivot where it made sense regarding feature requests and suggestions.
  • Industry and client needs have changed, including during and post COVID-19.
  • Goals for this year was content engagement and also on support communities, which have been a big driver of growth.
  • Factor in time to fix bugs, do updates such as PHP 8 and build the tools needed to get people through the transition.
  • Security and performance problems which we have to prepare for. It's a balancing act with new exciting features and necessary things required to ensure the software functions correctly.
  • Refactor language system, which is time intensive, however required for functionality.


  • 6:11 minutes into the video: New Alerts System was launched in July 2022, with version 4.7.
    • Engage with single users or multiple member groups with a message that must be acknowledged and dismissed before further engagement with the community.
  • 11:51 minutes into the video: Webhooks and Integrations was initially launched in April 2020, with version 4.5.
    • Webhooks implemented in February 2022 with version 4.6.10.
    • Enhancements and more apps released in July 2022, with version 4.6.10.
  • 18:57 minutes into the video: Live/Smart Community was launched in July 2022, with version 4.7.
    • Includes trending content, who's typing and who's viewing, image processing for discoverability and moderation, this is an immediate function and not cached and it changes the dynamic of a community in a positive way.
  • 26:36 minutes into the video: Improvements
    • Solved/Unsolved filter for Activity Streams was launched in July 2022, with version 4.7.
    • Schedule topics to be published on a future date was launched in August 2022, with version 4.7.1.
    • Marking posts as solutions was launched in September 2022, with version
  • 28:39 minutes into the video: Applications: Revamp, Refresh, Repurpose
    • Calendar, renamed to Events, was launched in October 2022, with version 4.7.3 (additional updates deliver in November 2022, with version 4.7.4).
    • 32:00 minutes into the video: Gallery revamp preview - Coming in 2023!
  • 37:11 minutes into the video: Full list of key features we delivered in 2022 (including over a massive 800 bug fixes!).
  • 40:15 minutes into the video: Community questions asked and answered live.


  • 47:18 minutes into the video: Summary of what we have planned for 2023, including (but not limited to) Gallery, Live Topics, GraphQL and other integrations, an Invision Community style update, statistics and reporting, email balance management on the Cloud platform, more enhanced security backends, tech improvements such as OpenSearch and Elasticsearch, removing some JavaScript for efficiency on the frontend, Commerce and Pages.


  • 1:01:50 minutes into the video: Closing comments and sign off. Expectations of a forum as a platform, the mindset of a community and the human component.
  • 1:05:50 minutes into the video: Some reminders, including slow-down of development over the Christmas and holiday period. No new release in January, but back to our monthly release cycle thereafter.

If you missed the event or video altogether, I'll link it below. Fast track to the above timestamps if you want to skip straight to what you are most interested in hearing about.

Feel free to below on this topic or the December Year in Review and 2023 Preview (Video) topic.

Upcoming Event

The Invision Community team has been at work organising another event, this time delving into the world of automated and manual curation methods available for you to implement in your very own communities.

Please don't forget to RSVP and mark yourself as going (or at least a maybe) so you don't miss out! Anyone that hasn't RSVP'd will not receive the Zoom link.


Here's what the dev team have been working on over the last seven days:


- Fixed an issue where a broken or missing blog entry image would break the blog entry page.
- Fixed an issue with Google OAuth logins when an error is returned.
- Fixed an issue with custom OAuth logins if a user info endpoint returns an unexpected data format.
- Fixed an issue where the approval reason would not show for topics.
- Fixed an issue where club content could display in feeds to users with no permission to the clubs module.
- Fixed an issue where moderators were not sent email notification of new reports.

See you in the community and next week right here for another Invision Insight! I look forward to hearing from you all!

Thank you everyone! 🦘

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A couple of times they touched on using IPB activity as data in an automated marketing campaign, like if they haven't logged in in a while, send out an email. I think there's a lot of potential there. If you can collect and analyze data from all IPB communities that opt into data collection, that could help you get an understanding of customer behavior and how to get them to buy products based on behavior.

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On 12/10/2022 at 2:44 AM, My Sharona said:

Thank you for the timestamps on the Chat. Greatly appreciated.

My pleasure! I knew it would help people go straight to what they were interested in if there were other parts of the video they already knew about or didn't want to watch.

On 12/10/2022 at 7:07 AM, jesuralem said:

I actually missed the "coming" part when I went through the video quickly so thanks a lot !

That's why I'm here. 😉

Thanks again for your suggestion. I really think timestamping longer videos like this one will benefit quite a few people.

On 12/10/2022 at 8:43 AM, Randy Calvert said:

Where has the year gone?!  

Here’s to a productive 2023!!

I know, right?

Considering 2020 and 2021 are basically write-offs due to COVID-19, this year has gone in the blink of an eye. Onto bigger and better things in the new year. 😁

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