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Upgraded but "View Signatures" turned off for my users

Mike Gholson

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Hi all, I updated from a few dot releases ago (can't remember the version), but, now my members are complaining they cannot see signatures from other members.  There appears to be a setting called "View Signatures" in each member profile and it's disabled now.  I tried finding a global setting to enable it for all my users, but appears it has to be done for each user one-by-one.  Is there a method to bulk change this for certain usergroups?  Thank you.


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Also, some of my members have enabled it, but the setting does not 'stick' and they have to turn it on every time they visit the site. 

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There is no bulk way to switch them on. Could I ask before we continue, have you checked saving on a default theme, with no 3rd party items enabled? If so, and thats still not working, please update all access details on file so we can take a look

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