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Social Sign In with Wordpress as client does not work

Björn Schorre

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I habe followed this guide to setup the connection between my wordpress and the invision server.

Wordpress shall be the oAuth-client and invision is the oAuth-Server.

After the config was done, the wordpress plugin miniOrange wants to test the connection. But a connection couldn't be established.

Everything I setup was completly done like it is described in the guide. Even the notice in option B when creating the client was observed and double checked.


What else can stop my installation from working?


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OK, now I've got the setup to work.


But the automatically login on WP does still not work. Here is my Use Case:

1. I am logged in on my Invision Community

2. I switch to the Wordpress Page and call the login form (special page with a [ds_login] marco in it.

3. On this page, I have also placed the miniOrange-oAuth-Login Widget

4. Using this Widget (means click on it), my page is reloaded but nothing else happens.


Does anybody can image this and has a hint for me?





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