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Dragging & Dropping blocks doesn't work.

Go to solution Solved by brfcs,

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If I open the home page of our forum, and then fold out the Block Manager panel on the left I can see a whole bunch of blocks that are available to drag & drop. If I drag one into position and click "Finish Editing" i can see the block as expected, but when I refresh the page it's gone.

It has worked at some point in the past because I have some blocks already on the page, but I just can't add any more.

Is there another way to add them?

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Please disable all third party applications/plugins and switch to an unmodified theme. Please also remove any third party advertisements and Javascript. Then please try again. Often, there is an error here in the Javascript which is encountered cause it not to save.

If you're still having issues after performing that, please provide us access as detailed below:

We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. 

We look forward to further assisting you. 


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Switching to an un-modified theme meant I could place & save the blocks as I wanted and they stayed in place for actual theme too.

Just out of interest there were no Javascript errors but the payload posted back via ajax was different. The broken version only had the new block listed while the version that worked had them all in the right order.

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1 hour ago, brfcs said:

Switching to an un-modified theme meant I could place & save the blocks as I wanted and they stayed in place for actual theme too.

Just out of interest there were no Javascript errors but the payload posted back via ajax was different. The broken version only had the new block listed while the version that worked had them all in the right order.

Your theme may be out of date so you would need to work with your theme’s author to upgrade to be compatible with the latest release. 

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