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Stripe payments not being captured (again)


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Seems we celebrated too early as this issue is back in full force again. Payments do not get captured, customers end up making multiple payments and leaving us a huge mess to deal with. Manually capturing payments does not get reflected on IPS, so we are required to go in and manually set invoices as paid. Now we've had a customer who paid with Alipay (via stripe) and the payment is nowhere to be found. It isn't on stripe and IPS shows "awaiting payment". The customer has proven that he did in fact make a payment, so where did his money go? This is a big issue and I hope to see it solved quickly. There are free services that can keep their payment integrations more stable than IPS at this moment. Big issue for customer confidence.

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Please keep your eye on this topic. I will update there once this is resolved.

Once we have the issue resolved, if you have remaining issues such as this transaction, we can take a look on an individual bases.

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