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Help with bringing old board back to life

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Hello. I've used to have a discussion IPS4 board, but due to things out of my control it went offline a couple of years ago. The only thing I have left is a database backup, made I guess from the admin area and not phpmyadmin. I dont have the user and password to this database anymore. 


Theres tons of posts I would love to read again, so I am just curious if theres a possibility to somehow bring it back to life. The backup had been made in march 2017. 


Any help will be greatly appreciated!



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You could try to import the old database backup into mySQL, but you might potentially run into some problems as that backup was done from a 5 year old version of mySQL which may have data that is deprecated in the newer versions of mySQL.  

Once it's installed, if you have an active IPB self hosted license...  you can install the software (upload all of the files to your server) and edit the conf_global.php with your database info.  You would then run the upgrader to upgrade the database to the latest version.  

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Thank you. I will check how that import into mySQL works and if it can do the trick. 😉


I still have an IPS license, altough its not active. It can be used for a teat install I guess?

Edited by angle4cor
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