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3.4 to 4.x Upgrade: CMS content BBCODE

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Environment: 4.6.10


Using -TESTINSTANCE license.

After a long process of upgrading from 3.x to 4.x, we find that the custom BBCode that had been composed over time in the 3.x environment are present in the updated DB.

I can see they exist clearly and the BBCode re-write rules are in the table.

We've also turned on support for BBCode.

What appears to be the case is that standard BBCodes (bold, italic, quote, post, topic -- the latter may not be actually "standard" but integral to Invision core capabilities) work.   Even those BBCodes that are more aligned with Invision (topic, post, etc..) work post upgrade.

Those BBCode tags work as expected and the result HTML is correct as per the data in the table `<prefix>__custom_bbcode`

So far so good.

But what is unclear is what setting is required in the AdminCP to permit our legacy custom BBCode (which are in `<prefix>_custom_bbcode` table post upgrade, are not honored by the engine.

Is it a case of further configuration in the AdminCP?

Is it a case that the capability in 4.x will no longer support "custom BBCode" defined in that table (a table that was upgraded/scrubbed per the autonomous Upgrade process to 4.x)

The work around is to add Custom Buttons to the in-site Editor.  Yes we can do that, but for most users, the fluency with the existing Codes they have known for the last 20 years of our site's existence is important to preserve, if possible.  We've been around that long.  So we want to try to avoid throwing away a feature that 50K users have come to depend on.

Anyway -- Custom BBCode -- is this supported in 4.x  Or is it only achieved as a work-around through Custom Editor Button creation?

If it is supported, what is the AdminCP trick to convince the engine to honor the Custom BBCode present in the aforementioned table post upgrade?

Ping me directly if you wish, and I'll summarize the results if warranted.  Thanks.


Edited by sibomots
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13 minutes ago, sibomots said:

Anyway -- Custom BBCode -- is this supported in 4.x  Or is it only achieved as a work-around through Custom Editor Button creation?

BBCode as a whole is not supported in 4.x. It is provided as an "as-is" translation. It would be advised to transfer anything you may need custom BBcode for to a custom editor button.

I have moved this to the Community Support forum if you wish to further talk about BBCode as it would take customization which is outside our scope of support.

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