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Ads not working?

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I did a test ad and it does not get shown anywhere. Do I miss some settings?


plain simple H1 html text just for testing purposes.


Shows to admin only (yes, I am admin) dates are good.


It is enabled, it shows in the list just ok, but the ad itself not showing ANYWHERE.

What am I missing here?


I cannot even find in the HTML page that text anywhere. 


In support page it shows two ads, but still nothing get displayed.

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I am trying this as user "Romulus" but now I activated the ad for the secondary group too. If it is active for Admin only, it does not show.

Sure you can take a look.

Primary group: Admin
Secondary group: BMW Club


7 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

Please let me know who you are logged in as, and I can then take a look. Note, if you do not select a group in which you have, then the ad will not show. 

I did select a group I am into. Admin, my primary group. But probably because I do have a secondary group, it does not show only if I activate ad for secondary group too. Make sense?

Shown: ad set for secondary group
Not shown: ad set for primary group (and it should be shown)


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Should I give you my own login or try to replicate the issue for the user I gave you in Invision Support Area?

Ok. so I replicated the issue for the user whose credentials you have in Support Area.

User main group is Admin. Secondary group is BMW Club. Ad is set to be SHOWN to Admin group and NOT shown to BMW Club group.

result: ad is NOT shown for this user as it should. Unless it is set to be shown for secondary group too.


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