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How to update v4.1.11.1 to Current on GoDaddy?

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How do I update my forum from v4.1.11.1 to the latest version on GoDaddy shared hosting and from FTP and Database backups?

I was on an old hosting account that didn't have high enough version pf PHP and MySQL and wasn't able to keep updating as new version became available.

So now I'm trying to do a fresh install to the latest version of the forum software on GoDaddy shared hosting plan.

Just need to know how to do it.

Been a long time since I've done anything, so I need a lot of help! 😀

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You wouldnt do a fresh installation there. What you would do is restore that backup to your new hosting. As you are on likely a higher version of PHP than that version will cope with, the site will likely be broken at that point, but will be back online once you have upgraded. Once done, upload a fresh set of files from your client area, and visit /admin/upgrade to run the upgrader. 

You can see how to move your site here if you need more instruction on that part

Also, please ensure you have checked to ensure you have all compotents needed before you proceed to the upgrade step, using our requirement checker



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