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from 4.4 to 4.6 Problem on Logo and forum


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Hello all.


On 1001bd.Com we just goes from 4.4 to 4.6.

Previously we had a pretty beautifull Banner at the top of the site.

I saw that now the "banner" is now consider has a "Logo" that is absolutly not what we want 🙂

Any idea on how to do what was available before ? (I mean having a banner/picture at the top of the page above the menu)


Another problem : on the forum we do not have any more information to indicate that a subjet is "unread" (when a new mesage is post). Any idea why ?

Thanks a lot for your helps !



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On both 4.4 and 4.6 there has been a logo. Nothing has actually changed there. What may have changed is how that logo is displayed. Its not clear on what you are trying to do here, but if you are looking to display the logo area outside of the standard, you would need to theme that accordingly.

With the unread markers, I believe you may be referring to the topic streams you have set up on the home page. That is correct, and is a change as per design. The reason for this is that those blocks are cached, and so previously could actually be incorrect

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On 9/24/2021 at 5:51 PM, Marc Stridgen said:

The reason for this is that those blocks are cached, and so previously could actually be incorrect



First thanks for the answer.

You're right, I was talking of the stream version of the forum.

I"m sorry I did not reaaly understood the reason and if there is way to have it working has it was before ?




PS: We found the good parameters for the "logo"

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