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Group Permissions for Downloads Module

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I've been using the Invision forums for many years now, but recently launched a new site that makes use of the Downloads module for the first time. For the forums component, I have it set up so that the initial Members group that new users are assigned to is moderated (requires approval for posts), and then after x number of posts, they are promoted to a new group that isn't moderated. I want to replicate this model for the Downloads component, so that newbies in the Members group need to have their uploads approved, just so I can ensure they're legit before letting them off the leash. However, I can't work out how to do this, or if it can even be done at all. Would love some guidance on the issue!


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Approval is a category setting, not a user group permission. So out of the box, it doesn’t work like you want. 

But you could add a “queue” category as the only category where new users can upload and then you would approve and move the file to the correct category. That could be a work-around. 

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Actually, I just had a new member upload a file, and just as if it were a forum post, it came up as 'pending approval', and marked as only visible to staff. Exactly what I wanted! I guess the group permissions for the forums propagates to the Downloads module. I think Invision needs to make this clearer.


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7 minutes ago, KLP Publishing said:

the group permissions for the forums propagates to the Downloads module.

You mean the group permission “Require approval before content shows?”. That’s indeed global. It doesn’t say anything about “forums” in the settings. 

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