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How to feature a guest blogger?

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I have a blog on my site https://www.recruitinginfo.com/ that is about college athletics and recruiting (both the site and the blog).   I want to be able to feature guest bloggers on a regular basis and I'm not sure how to best achieve this.  

The first guest blogger posted in a way that essentially created a new blog.  I don't think that really makes sense, because they are really only guesting on the main blog, not creating a whole new one.  Also, as seen in the attached picture, when visiting the blog page you see the most recent post to "RecruitingInfo.com" blog, but for some reason the new one, "A Day in the Life", just shows a header.  You have to click the header to see the content.

So my questions are:

  • Is there a way for someone else to post on the main "RecruitingInfo.com Blog", but their name and face will show up for that entry instead of mine?
  • If not, perhaps I should create a separate "Guest Expert Blog" (or something like that).  But can anyone recommend a better way to handle this?
  • Why is the "A Day in the Life" blog not showing any content on the "Our Community Blogs" page?

I should preface this by saying I am very new and inept with the forum software, and am generally not tech or programming savvy.  So please use small words, lol.


Blog snip.PNG

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