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build custom plugin, conditional product purchases

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I need a custom function for my products page. Anyone can help? I need to customise the purchase process in the Commerce module to check if existing user has purchased a previous product and prevent him from buying another product if a certain product has not been previously purchased.

I will be offering two types of products:

  1. Course. Created with Pages module
  2. Monthly Subscription to one forum or selection of forums

Members will have these choices when purchasing:

  1. Purchase the Course (Store). It will grant him access to a Pages module where he will be able to read the course for as long as the product allows him (6 months)
  2. Purchase a monthly subscription plan. The subscription will grant the user access to one or more forum or sub-forums inside IP Board where custom support and help would be offered
  3. Purchase Course (Store) and subscription plan (bundle). The user would have access to the Course and and at the same time he would be subscribed to have access to certain forums inside the community

 Special functions:

  • Product availability in Store. Users will not be able to purchase a subscription to the forum if a certain Product (course in store)) or Subscription has not been previously purchased. Users won't be able to purchase advanced product 2 if the basic product 1 has not been purchased. Something like the attachment, I am using it in the payment software that I currently use. The backend should allow me to create a sort of matrix or connections between the products and subscription plans, like the attachment. 
  • Conditional Purchases based on previous purchases.
    • To order Subscription 1 user must have purchased Product 1 (store) or Subscription 2
    • To order Advanced Course in Store, user must have purchased Basic Course in Store
    • Subscription Plan 2 cannot be purchased if Advance Course hasn't be purchased in Store
    • When adding a product, I should have extra options so I can assign product X to another product/subscription plan or a subscription plan to a product to prevent users from buying products that are incompatible
  • User's historical purchase. A new user will always have to buy a course (product). He can't enrol a monthly subscription to the forum if he has not purchased the course (product). No user can do that. We can't give support in the forums if the user has not purchased a certain product. This is why I need the Product Availability functionality

User registration steps:

  • New user sing up. New users will follow the default steps for registration, username, first name, email, etc. He will be prompted to choose the products (courses) he can purchase, and optionally the monthly subscriptions he can enrol. He won't be able to enrol a monthly subscription unless he buys a bundle (course product + subscription) or he has previously bought a course product
  • Existing users. Users who have previously bought a course or subscription plan will be able to buy other courses or subscription plans. If the user has already purchased a course product in the store, then he will have the possibility to choose the monthly subscription plan for certain forums within IP Board

Hope someone understands what I need and can custom code this plugin for me. The plugin should be compatible with IP Invision 4.4.1 and forthcoming 4.4.5 version.

Thanks a lot for your time




Edited by Alfonso Moreno
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