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(DP44) Ban from Topic


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  • 3 months later...

Hi, I'm interested in purchasing this and I was wondering if you have any plan to make different types of ban available based on each topic, instead of making it a global setting.

What I mean is I'd rather have different types of ban activated throughout different topics at the same time:

TOPIC A: users in the ban list are banned from posting

TOPIC B: users in the ban list are banner from viewing

Edited by Shiyo
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi @DawPi, sorry to bother you again. Whenever a viewing ban is in applied to a topic, would it be possible to auto-hide its contents from guests as well? At the current state I'm always forced to hide the whole forum from visitors, otherwise banned users could easily bypass the viewing-block (all they'd have to do is to log out and come back as guests). 

Edited by Shiyo
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  • 1 month later...

Never mind on this, it would be simpler to just ban the user from the topic and then apply a warning manually. this would be coherent with the reste of the forum.

Actually i would love a system where a member would automatically get points when one of is posts is masked or edited but moderators but this is not the behaviour of IPS so this was  a bad idea from me.

The temporary ban would be great though 🙂

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On 2/1/2020 at 10:43 AM, bearback said:

running v4.4.9.2 and have just noticed an issue when moving a topic 

When moving a topic to another forum and using the option Leave a link to the new location?  it throws an could not locate error and wont move the topic. If I disable the ban plugin then all returns to normal and can move topics with no error. Tested on my live and demo forum with the same results.

Thank you






This issue is back again, using  4.4.10 and your latest version for 4.4

thank you


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