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REST & OAuth

Rashed Ahmed

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Hi everyone,

I am looking for someone who can help me fix my REST & OAuth error.

I have done all the steps required, but it keeps showing me this:


The API endpoint is not giving the expected response. Check you followed the instructions correctly. The URL being tested is: https://forum.grinderscape.org/api/index.php?/core/hello

In order to use the REST API:

  1. Download this file.
  2. Upload it to the /api folder in your site's directory (/home/forum/public_html/api).
  3. Rename it to '.htaccess' (with no file name).

I am certainly sure I have done all the steps right, but still shows this. If you go to the link above it throws a 401 if you check in the chrome inspect network. Could it be something with Cloudflare? but what exactly do I have to disable or do?

Please someone help, willing to pay if required.


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You should probably ask your hosting provider. The issue is that the HTTP Authorization header isn't being sent to the PHP script... if you're running nginx, or PHP in a mode that doesn't support .htaccess files, you probably need whoever manages the server to modify something in the server configuration. But if you're not sure what your server is running, it's difficult to advise what that might be.

Your hosting provider should be able to sort it.

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