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Direct links to database records


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I can't figure out how to view database records.

There's a Database with different Categories and each Category has various Records.

Shouldn't the link to view a Record be domain.com/database/category/record?

When I type this in the site automatically redirects me back to domain.com/database/category/

The text preceding the Custom URL field for each record is domain.com/page/{page}/{category}/


Why is /page/{page}/ there and how do I get rid of it?

Can someone more knowledgeable help me out?

Thank you.

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51 minutes ago, sotrix said:

When I type this in the site automatically redirects me back to domain.com/database/category/

I don’t understand why you type in stuff to begin with? Database records are usually accessed by clicking the link in the database category listing. 
For example: https://invisioncommunity.com/news/product-updates/
/news/ is the page, /product-updates/ is the category, and a record there might be: 


51 minutes ago, sotrix said:

The text preceding the Custom URL field for each record is domain.com/page/{page}/{category}/

I wouldn‘t mind that output in the ACP. The URL customization feature only touches the URL slug of the record itself. 
So to use the previous example, instead of: “welcome-to-invision-community-44-beta-r1124” they could shortened it to “44-beta” for example. So an URL slug different from the title and without the record id. You can’t change anything else about the URL, so don’t worry about this /page/{page} stuff. 

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I think I figured out what my problem is.

I created Pages myself for every Category, with the same exact names as each Category.

If I rename these Pages to something else, all Record links work perfectly.

But then going to domain.com/database/category/ shows an IPS generated listing of all Records in the category.

I need domain.com/database/category/ to show my own HTML page where I have links to the Records formatted and organized exactly like I want.

But if I make such a Page, all the Record links stop working.

Hope that makes sense.

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