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help with permissions

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Permissions may vary by hosting provider. 

Use the support tool in your ACP, I believe it checks permissions. Also, make sure the SERVER user matches that in your screenshot. If your server is using user 600 instead of 500 to write to those directories, it'll have no permissions. 

If all else fails, submit a ticket to IPS via your client area. As this is a server issue they may not be able to fix it for you, but they can tell you what permissions are required by the software. You can then take that information to your hosting provider for them to help you. 

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Generally speaking, all folders should be 755, files 644. With some exceptions. 

I said go up a level, you're still looking INSIDE the folders. What are the permissions for the root folders? applications and plugins? 

Depending on your server config, parent folder permissions can be inherited. So if your applications folder isn't writeable, non of the subfolders will be, regardless of the permissions you THINK they have set. 

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Permissions look fine. Unless SELinux is on, those screenshots wouldn't tell that, nor what the permissions are set to. 

You'll need to contact your hosting provider for assistance. FTP access won't cut it here I don't believe. 

The other option is that the application archives are corrupt. 

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