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Can't access external MySQL login settings while IN_DEV true


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I am using Invision Community v4.3.3 in our testing server.

When I go to System -> Settings -> Login & Registration -> Methods, if I click on "Edit" next to MySQL Database I get "mb_substr() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given" in system/Http/Url.php line 823.

If I turn off developer mode by setting "define( 'IN_DEV', false);", then I can access the externa MySQL settings.

When I installed the IPS Developer Tools, I left in the "applications" folder only the following subfolders: calendar, convert, core, forums; I removed everything else since I couldn't see those in my installed applications folder on the server. I did that because in the Developer Tools documentation it says you should remove apps that you don't have installed from the downloaded dev tools.

However I have a feeling that my developer tools are missing something, I wonder if anyone knows what is it that I should add?

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@Aiwa here it is:


Whoops\Exception\ErrorException thrown with message "mb_substr() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given"

#19 Whoops\Exception\ErrorException in /var/www/testforums/system/Http/Url.php:823
#18 mb_substr in /var/www/testforums/system/Http/Url.php:823
#17 IPS\Http\_Url:componentsFromUrlString in /var/www/testforums/system/Http/Url.php:208
#16 IPS\Http\_Url:createFromString in /var/www/testforums/system/Helpers/Form/Url.php:219
#15 IPS\Helpers\Form\_Url:formatValue in /var/www/testforums/system/Helpers/Form/FormAbstract.php:181
#14 IPS\Helpers\Form\_FormAbstract:setValue in /var/www/testforums/system/Helpers/Form/FormAbstract.php:142
#13 IPS\Helpers\Form\_FormAbstract:__construct in /var/www/testforums/system/Helpers/Form/TextArea.php:60
#12 call_user_func_array in /var/www/testforums/system/Helpers/Form/TextArea.php:60
#11 IPS\Helpers\Form\_TextArea:__construct in /var/www/testforums/system/Helpers/Form/Text.php:107
#10 call_user_func_array in /var/www/testforums/system/Helpers/Form/Text.php:107
#9 IPS\Helpers\Form\_Text:__construct in /var/www/testforums/system/Login/Handler/ExternalDatabase/ExternalDatabase.php:140
#8 IPS\Login\Handler\_ExternalDatabase:acpForm in /var/www/testforums/system/Login/Handler/Handler.php:736
#7 IPS\Login\_Handler:form in /var/www/testforums/system/Node/Controller.php:484
#6 IPS\Node\_Controller:_addEditForm in /var/www/testforums/system/Node/Controller.php:383
#5 IPS\Node\_Controller:form in /var/www/testforums/applications/core/modules/admin/settings/login.php:149
#4 IPS\core\modules\admin\settings\_login:form in /var/www/testforums/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php:85
#3 IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller:execute in /var/www/testforums/system/Node/Controller.php:62
#2 IPS\Node\_Controller:execute in /var/www/testforums/applications/core/modules/admin/settings/login.php:43
#1 IPS\core\modules\admin\settings\_login:execute in /var/www/testforums/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php:146
#0 IPS\_Dispatcher:run in /var/www/testforums/admin/index.php:14


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That was it mate. I have noticed that that specific field sometimes causes issues, even when not in dev mode.

For example some time ago I tried to edit and entered a complete and valid https URL, then went back to the form later and the field contained only "http://" (and nothing else).

I guess I'll keep the field empty for the time being. Too bad because I would like to take advantage of that feature.

Thank you for your help!

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