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  • 1 year later...

@DawPi would you mind sharing what bot user agents you are detecting?  

I specifically wanted to check on AdsBot-Google-Mobile (both Android and Web), AdsBot-Google, and Mediapartners-Google.  I'm also curious about other Google ones noted at  https://developers.google.com/search/docs/advanced/crawling/overview-google-crawlers

I was wanting to move Google's Adsense and their ad quality checking bots from default Guest to Members group since there is some content that is not available to guests that Google needs to get access to.  This sounds like it could work if it detects these bots.  


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4 hours ago, Randy Calvert said:

would you mind sharing what bot user agents you are detecting?  

The same as IPS4:

		'about'			=> "Libby[_/ ]([0-9.]{1,10})",
		'adsense'		=> array( "Mediapartners-Google/([0-9.]{1,10})", "Mediapartners-Google" ),
		'ahrefs'		=> "AhrefsBot",
		'alexa'			=> "^ia_archive",
		'altavista'		=> "Scooter[ /\-]*[a-z]*([0-9.]{1,10})",
		'ask'			=> "Ask[ \-]?Jeeves",
		'baidu'			=> array( "^baiduspider\-", "baiduspider[ /]([0-9.]{1,10})" ),
		'bing'			=> array( "bingbot[ /]([0-9.]{1,10})", "msnbot(?:-media)?[ /]([0-9.]{1,10})" ),
		'brandwatch'	=> "magpie-crawler",
		'excite'		=> "Architext[ \-]?Spider",
		'google'		=> array( "Googl(?:e|ebot)(?:-Image|-Video|-News)?/([0-9.]{1,10})", "Googl(?:e|ebot)(?:-Image|-Video|-News)?/?" ),
		'googlemobile'	=> array( "Googl(?:e|ebot)(?:-Mobile)?/([0-9.]{1,10})", "Googl(?:e|ebot)(?:-Mobile)?/" ),
		'facebook'		=> "facebookexternalhit/([0-9.]{1,10})",
		'infoseek'		=> array( "SideWinder[ /]?([0-9a-z.]{1,10})", "Infoseek" ),
		'inktomi'		=> "slurp@inktomi\.com",
		'internetseer'	=> "^InternetSeer\.com",
		'look'			=> "www\.look\.com",
		'looksmart'		=> "looksmart-sv-fw",
		'lycos'			=> "Lycos_Spider_",
		'majestic'		=> "MJ12bot\/v([0-9.]{1,10})",
		'msproxy'		=> "MSProxy[ /]([0-9.]{1,10})",
		'webcrawl'		=> "webcrawl\.net",
		'websense'		=> "(?:Sqworm|websense|Konqueror/3\.(?:0|1)(?:\-rc[1-6])?; i686 Linux; 2002[0-9]{4})",
		'yahoo'			=> "Yahoo(?:.*?)(?:Slurp|FeedSeeker)",
		'yandex'		=> "Yandex(?:[^\/]+?)\/([0-9.]{1,10})",
		'seznam'		=> array( "SeznamBot[ /]([0-9.]{1,10})", "Seznam screenshot-generator ([0-9.]{1,10})" ),
		'dotbot'		=> "DotBot[ /]([0-9.]{1,10})",
		'sogou'			=> "Sogou web spider[ /]([0-9.]{1,10})",
		'isetallabot'	=> "istellabot[ /][a-z]([0-9.]{1,10})",
		'blexbot'		=> "BLEXBot[ /]([0-9.]{1,10})",
		'semrush'		=> "SemrushBot/([0-9.]{1,10})"


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  • 1 month later...

Thank you for being a client!  The Invision Community Marketplace is closing October 30 2023, so I am moving all of my files over to my personal site https://forum.invisionize.pl


Bookmark https://forum.invisionize.pl and the new Marketplace Directory www.Invisioneer.org.  

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