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Having an issue with moderators for Clubs


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I am having an issue with members that I have made moderators that have permissions for specific subforums. I am now giving them moderator ability for all clubs to be created. When I go into their permissions I am able to give them Leader as default for every club. This however does not give them the ability to moderate content made inside a club unless they are invited as a member of that club.

I also have a Global moderator group which can moderate all the subforums and they are able to moderate content within a Club without having to be added as a member to that club. I hope I am explaining this right and could get some guidance on how I can make a member a moderator to be able to moderate all clubs content without being able to moderate my whole forum. Thank you.

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I'm having similar problems  ( thank god I'm not the only one )  with club permissions. The more you want to control content, the less useful clubs are.

Moderators in the club can feature, unfeature, lock, hide content ( I think they can move content ) etc.  But they can't edit user's replies. If that's what you mean. Not even the club owner can do that, if I recall correctly. That makes club moderators pointless in my opinion. 

You need to allow the users to edit "all content" in the moderator settings in the AdminCP to allow a moderator to modify club replies, for example for deleting something written. Of course, that will also allow them to modify anything in any forum.

That's what I learnt from testing and trying to develop clubs in one of my websites.

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